Open Water Swimming is an increasingly popular sport and can be a safe and fun way to enjoy the outdoors when proper precautions are taken.

This information will help those who wish to swim in the waters under the jurisdiction of the Crouch Harbour Authority (CHA).

These tidal waters are in constant use by a wide mix of vessels of all sizes and categories includinglarge commercial shipping in and around the Burnham on Crouch area, powered and sailing vessels of all sizes, jet skis, water skiers and fishing vessels.

The CHA also supports competitive racing organised by sailing clubs on the rivers Crouch and Roach


  • Know your limits, build up experience and acclimatisation to cool water slowly.
  • Be aware of temperatures which can be cooler than you realise even during summer.
  • Do not swim under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Be seen – wear a brightly coloured swim cap.
  • Use a tow float to improve your visibility to others.
  • ALWAYS KEEP A GOOD LOOKOUT while in the water – don’t assume you have been seen and recognised as a swimmer.
  • Don’t jump in before checking for obstructions and for depth, or before getting used to the water temperature.
  • Be aware of tide strength and times of high and low water. Powerful tides can overpower even strong swimmers.
  • Swim close to the bank/shoreline. Crossing the river should be avoided at all times, unless absolutely necessary, and particularly avoid areas with a high density of vessels underway. Do notswim in the Fairway.
  • If possible, swim with others, but if not then let someone ashore know where you are going and what time you expect to return.
  • Consider placing your ICE details (in case of emergency contacts) with your belongings onshore and/or in your tow float.
  • Cover cuts or grazes before swimming, consider staying out if you have deeper wounds.
  • Contact and inform the Crouch Harbour Authority before beginning any organised swimming event,when safety/recovery vessels must be in attendance.
  • If you see anyone in difficulty in the river, call 999 and ask for the coastguard. If you are able to doso, tell that person to stay calm and Float on their back, throw them something that floats, but don’t attempt to rescue them yourself.
  • Read more information on safety when swimming on the Outdoor Swimming Society website,

Swimming is not advised. If you do swim, it is at your own risk. If you choose to enter the water, please make sure someone ashore knows your intention.

Swimming in tidal rivers including the River Crouch at Burnham can pose specific risks, particularly if you are not an experienced swimmer. Only get into the water to swim if you are sure of where you can exit safely, and only if you understand the tidal and local situation thoroughly. Get a copy of the tide tables. You can get these for free for the whole year on the CHA website

Tide tables show the times of the two high waters and two low waters each day and the heights of
high and low water.


The tides result from the gravitational effect of the moon. Twice a day a massive tidal wave moves along the English growth from north to south.

Flood Tide– this is when the level of water rises as this tidal wave approaches.
Ebb Tide– this is when the level of water falls as the tidal wave passes.
Spring Tide– this is when the moon is closest and the tidal wave it pulls along after it is largest.
Neap Tide– when the moon is the farthest away and the tidal wave is smaller.

There is a two-week gap between Spring and Neap Tides.

Spring Tides run most strongly and swimming in them should be avoided, especially in the ebb (after the high water). In the tide tables the high water will have a height of 4.5 m or more. Neap Tides can also have strong currents, so unless you are really confident of your strength as a swimmer, it is best to stay very close to the shore and within your depth, where the tide runs more slowly, and it would
be easier to get out.

In Burnham, as in most tidal rivers, the Ebb Tide tends to run more strongly than the Flood Tide. Very soon after high water the tide turns and starts running strongly towards the sea. The current sweeps round the bend opposite Creeksea and then runs down strongly close along the north shore of the river through Burnham town, past the privately owned pontoons and jetties. Near the end of the pontoons the tide could be up to 5 knots – a very swift walking pace and much faster than most people can swim. It is not easy to see when the tide has turned, especially close into the sea wall, so be aware of the times and be alert to the moored boats – they can be seen straining on their
mooring chains.

The riskiest time to swim would be in a Spring Tide in the ebb. Swimming against the current could
lead you to quickly run out of strength, and it would be better to go with the tidal flow and edge back
over towards the shore where the current will be less strong.