Works Licence Application Form
Works Licence Terms and Conditions
Dredging Licence Application Form
Dredging Licence Terms and Conditions
The Crouch Harbour Act 1974 requires that all Marine Works, and all Dredging taking place within the Harbour must have the benefit of a Licence issued by Crouch Harbour Authority.
The decision cannot be made within the Harbour Office and any Licence applications are presented to the Crouch Harbour Advisory Committee whose recommendations are then considered by the main Authority Members.
Therefore if you are intending to undertake or promote any dredging or marine works below or partially below the level of high water you should download an application form for a Works Licence or Dredging Licence as appropriate.
Marine Works : For example:
- Constructing a new jetty, or repairing/replacing an existing one unless merely a minor repair using the same methods/materials.
- Installing , extending or modifying a berthing or other pontoon.
- Driving of piles into the river bed or foreshore for any purpose.
- Repairs to private frontages/flood defences.
- Installing lighting of any kind which might affect vessels being navigated.
The marine works will also need Planning Consent from the Local District Council – Maldon DC, Chelmsford BC or Rochford DC depending on location.
In most cases consent will also be required under Coast Protection Act and/or Food and Environment Protection Act. This is administered by the Marine Management Organisation, based in Newcastle Upon Tyne.
If the works affect or are within a certain distance of Flood Defence structures (Seawalls) you will also need Land Drainage Consent from the Environment Agency.
Very many areas of foreshore around Rivers Crouch and Roach are designated SAC or SPA under UK Habitats Regulations. If the works or dredging proposed might affect the nature conservation integrity of the designated area the agreement of Natural England, following an Appropriate Assessment, will be necessary.
Dredging: Includes all types of dredging activity such as Plough or Agitation Dredging or mud pumping.
In addition to the Crouch Harbour Authority Dredging Licence, a Licence will also be required from Marine Management Organisation, Newcastle. Since the MMO was established all dredging, including plough / agitation dredging, requires a Licence from MMO.
- Marine Dredging Licences will only be issued once the Authority has sited consent from the MMO, together with any other consents mentioned above.
- Copies of RAMS (Risk Assessment and Method Statement) from the Contractor involved in any of the works to be supplied to the Harbour Office.
- Pre and Post Dredge Surveys to be supplied to the Harbour Office.
There is a fee for a Dredging Licence/Works Licence, please refer to the Terms and Conditions for details.