Harbour Dues charged pursuant to S.26 of Harbours Act 1964 & S.54 of Crouch Harbour Act 1974.
Harbour Dues are payable on all vessels afloat on the rivers Crouch and Roach including off-river and mid-river marinas, basins, creeks, saltings, private land and mud berths and the requirements for display of Harbour Dues Plaque apply (Crouch Harbour Act 1974, s.55).
The Harbour Dues charge is based on the length of the vessel which is measured on deck from stem to stern. Include any fixed bathing platform and any fiddlehead. Exclude bowsprits, bumkins, stern davits and external rudders.
All vessels that are afloat within the CHA District must pay Harbour Dues. This fee is SEPARATE and UNRELATED to charges made by the Marina, Mooring & Boatyard Operators for berth hire/mooring (long or short term).
Anyone wishing to tow water toys such as ‘bananas’ and ‘donuts must apply for a Ski Licence.
The revenue derived from Harbour Dues is used by the CHA to meet the cost of the management of the harbour including but not restricted to:
- Giving advice and assistance
- Maintaining navigation aids and marks
- Seasonal patrolling
- Publishing and distributing tide tables and Notices to Mariners both in hard copy and via website
- Enforcement of Byelaws
- Providing information in regard to commercial traffic movements
Upload of a Photograph
The Crouch Harbour Authority has introduced the facility to upload a photograph of owner’s vessels onto our secure Harbour Database.
We would like to encourage all boat owners (with the exception of Paddle-Boards, Kayaks and Canoes) to participate in this scheme. This has the potential to assist both the CHA and other Authorities in the identification of your vessel, should it unfortunately become involved in either a matter of marine safety or crime.
Boat Inspections
Please be aware that regular boat inspections are carried out throughout the year by Harbour Staff in regard to payment of Harbour Dues which apply to all vessels afloat within the Rivers Crouch and Roach. Please ensure that your current Harbour Dues Plaque is displayed on your vessel where it can always be seen. Owners are requested to ensure that the vessel name is displayed on either the bow or stern.
Vessels not displaying a plaque will be deemed not to have paid Harbour Dues. (Crouch Harbour Act 1974 S.56)
There are procedures in place for non-payment of Harbour Dues:
Penalty Charge
Failure to pay after written reminder will result in a Court Summons being issued for three times the full Annual Harbour Dues rate, recoverable as civil debt, plus costs (Crouch Harbour Act 1974 S.58). The Authority also has the right to distrain (seize) vessels and/or equipment.
Sale of Vessel and change of Mooring Location
Please notify the Crouch Harbour Authority of a change of ownership or mooring location. If you have not notified the Crouch Harbour Authority of a change of ownership the registered keeper is still liable to pay the Harbour Dues.
If you do not intend to launch this year, have left the river, or purchased a new boat it is important that you inform us.
Insurance for Leisure and Commercial Vessels, including Canoes, Kayaks, SUPs and Sailboards
Leisure and Commercial Vessels used within the Crouch Harbour Authority District will be required to declare that they have compulsory third party liability insurance with an indemnity of not less than £3,000,000.00.
It is not necessary to provide a copy of Insurance Policy.
Commercial Vessels
Hire & Reward/Fishing Vessels operating within the Crouch Harbour Authority District, in addition to paying Harbour Dues, are required to complete the Declaration for Commercially Operated Vessels.
Static Houseboats
Please see page Static Houseboats