In any river or harbour there can be an overlap of responsibilities between different organisations, but here is a list of things on which you may need advice or assistance, and your first point of contact:

Incidents and Emergencies on the River:

Dial 999 and ask for Coastguard

The Coastguard will call out Emergency Services and Search and Rescue resources such as Lifeboats, Helicopters, Fire Brigade, Police and Ambulance.

For non-emergency advice and reports on marine safety matters call HM Coastguard, Dover Tel 01304 210008

Police Matters

Dial 999 in case of emergency (24 Hours)

Essex Police HQ main switchboard Tel. 01245 491491

Non Emergency 24 Hours: Dial 101

Burnham Marine Police HQ
49-51 Station Road, Burnham on Crouch, CM0 8HF
Tel. 0800 555111

Marine Unit Duty Phone (Not 24 Hours) 07976065917

  • Theft/Vandalism/Arson on River
  • Violence/Public Order matters
  • Persons in Water/Drownings (In Emergency Dial 999)
  • Immigration matters
  • Smuggling
  • Terrorism/Threats


Tell us What You Know about Crime, Not Who You Are
0800 555 111

Call anonymously with information about crime
We never ask your name and cannot trace your call

Crimestoppers is an independent crime-fighting charity which offers an anonymous and secure 24/7 service for you to give information about crimes or criminals.

We will never ask for your name and we cannot trace your call or any information you give online. It is what makes Crimestoppers different.
That information is passed to the appropriate Police Force or other Agency

Remember, Crimestoppers is not an Emergency Service. If you see a crime taking place, dial 999 immediately.

Disposal of Out of Date Flares

From 31st December 2022, HM Coastguard have stopped offering a voluntary, public-facing flare disposal service to private individuals who have personal flares to dispose of. Private individuals will need to use a third-party disposal service.

Contact details for third -party disposal services providers:
The Green Blue webpage hosted jointly between British Marine and the Royal Yachting Association provide contact details of registered disposal service providers.

For further guidance and information please visit

Crouch Harbour Authority Matters

The CHA is responsible for:

  • Marine Incidents/Damage/Injuries (Non – Emergency)
    NB. Marine related incidents involving damage to vessels or property or injury to persons must also be reported to Marine Accident Investigation Branch, Maritime and Coastguard Agency
    Tel: 023 8023 2527
  • Navigation marking and signage
  • Hazards and obstructions to navigation
  • Oil Pollution (from ships/boats /marine sources)
  • Commercial Shipping/Pilotage
  • River works / Construction
  • Dredging
  • Speed Limits / River Behaviour

Environment Agency Matters

General Enquiries Tel. 08708 506506
Floodline Tel. 0345 9881188
Incident Line 24 Hours Tel. 0800 807060

  • Flooding
  • Flood Warnings
  • Seawalls and Flood Defences
  • Oil Pollution (non-marine sources)
  • Pollution (other) and Water Quality

Fisheries Matters

Kent & Essex IFCA
The Sail Loft
Shipyard estate
Tel. 01206 303261 or Main Kent Office 01843 585310

Reporting a Dead or Stranded Marine Mammal

For Live Strandings
Tel: 0300 123499

For Dead Strandings
CSIP (Cetacean Stranding Investigation Programme).
Tel: 0800 652 0333