Harbour Dues Year
The Harbour Dues Year runs from 1st January to 31st December. Harbour Dues are payable for the whole of a Harbour Dues Year and cannot be paid for part of a Harbour Dues Year.

Harbour Dues Payment
Harbour Dues must be paid as soon as the vessel is first launched. For vessels remaining afloat, Harbour Dues become due for payment on the 1st January.

Display of Harbour Dues Plaque
The Harbour Dues Plaque must be displayed on the vessel and be visible at all times (not behind covers). Please note the Harbour Dues Plaque is not transferrable from one vessel to another.

Exempt Vessels
Bona Fide Tenders under 4.87m (16’) length provided Harbour Dues have been paid on the Mother Vessel and clearly marked “Tender to (mother vessel)”, Emergency Services vessels, Vessels in RNLI service.

Latecomers’ Discount
Discretionary discount available only to vessels paying annual Harbour Dues before or within seven days of first annual launching, without being reported, prompted, or reminded.

Discount for first launching in:
• August 20% discount
• September 30% discount
• October to December 50% discount

Vessels reported afloat that are unpaid are not eligible for Latecomers’ Discount and will be liable to the full Annual Harbour Dues rate.

River Pods
To be charged Harbour Dues based on the length

Tenders over the length of 16’ charged at 50% of ordinary Harbour Dues rate.
NB. PWC’s (Jet Skis) are not classified as a tender and require a PWC Licence.
Canoes/Kayaks are not classified as a tender and are required to pay Harbour Dues

Visiting Vessels (Only applies to vessels coming in from seaward)
All visiting leisure vessels are entitled to one visit in any Dues year of up to 14 consecutive days free of charge before being charged for Harbour Dues.  If you are remaining in the river for longer than 14 consecutive days and do not intend to remain permanently, Short Visit Dues will apply.  Please see charges below.

Short Visit Dues
This Tariff applies only to BONEFIDE VISITORS and does not apply to anyone wishing to launch on multiple occasions during the year.
Maximum visit of up to 3 consecutive weeks (21 days) in any Dues year, after that period full annual Harbour Dues will apply.

Short Visit Dues Are Not Available to:
Waterski Boats, Personal Watercraft, Atlantic Rowing Boats, Gigs.

Waterski and PWC (Jet Ski) Licence
Ski and PWC Licence Fees run from 1st January to 31st December. Annual Registration Fee is inclusive of Harbour Dues, please see Annual Licence Fees below. Latecomers’ discount is not available.
Further details on how to apply available on our website.

N.B. Hovercraft are not permitted on the River Crouch & River Roach


Vessel Length
Feet Metres Annual Harbour Dues
8.00 – 15.50 2.44 – 4.73 £46.50
15.51 – 21.50 4.74 – 6.55 £64.70
21.51 – 26.50 6.56 – 8.07 £80.85
26.51 – 32.50 8.08 – 9.90 £84.40
32.51 – 38.50 9.91 – 11.73 £99.50
38.51 – 49.50 11.74 – 15.08 £114.20
49.51 – 59.50 15.09 – 18.13 £126.50
59.51 – 66.50 18.14 – 19.96 £160.25
66.51 – 98.50 19.97 – 30.02 £302.60
98.51 – 131.50 30.03 – 40.08 £393.10
131.51 + 40.09 + £605.60
Annual Tariff Band for Static House Boats
 £174.40 fixed fee
Rowing Boats/Gigs/Atlantic Rowing Boats
Junior Fleet Dinghies (sailed only by 18 year olds and under)
Sailing Dinghies, min length 8ft – max length 16 ft.  £11.25
Club Safety Boats/Yard Launches/Workboats
Launches/RIBs owned and registered to established local clubs and used solely for the benefit of the membership on club activities. Bona fide Yard Workboats and Launches up to 12 metres in length. £11.25
Annual Charge for Canoes, Kayaks, Paddleboards & Sailboards irrespective of size:
Registration and payment only available through the CHA Website.
Vessels owned and registered to established clubs and used solely for training purposes are exempt. The craft will need to be identified as a Club Vessel when in use on the river.
1 £5.62
2 – 4 £11.24
5 + £28.10
Short Visit Dues
Vessel Length
Feet Metres Dues
8.00 – 15.50 2.44 – 4.73 £9.00
15.51 – 21.50 4.74 – 6.55 £11.25
21.51 – 26.50 6.56 – 8.07 £14.00
26.51 – 32.50 8.08 – 9.90 £17.45
32.51 + 9.91 + £21.95
Water Skiing Vessels
CHA Ski Licence (Vessels of Owners who are Members of Woodham Ferrers Water Ski Club) £139.40
CHA Ski Licence (All other Waterski Vessels) £209.20
Personal Water Craft (Jet Ski) Licence
All Craft  £209.20
CHA Moorings
Further details on moorings in the locations of Hullbridge and South Woodham Ferrers are available on our website £184.45
Commercial Charge for Piers/Pontoons
Annual Charge for NEW Commercial/Gain and Profit Piers/Pontoons £6.20 per square metre